National Initiative Industry 4.0 was first introduced by the
Minister of Industry and Trade Jan Mládek in autumn 2015. The basic framework
of the initiative was prepared by team of experts led by Prof. Vladimír
Mařík, director of the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and
Cybernetics CTU, whose members were also experts of NTF.
The publication is available for download here.
In 2016, team of experts further elaborated the basic framework of the
initiative into comprehensive document which was handed over to the Minister
Mládek. The aim was to provide key information about the commencement of the
fourth industrial revolution that is fundamentally changing the nature of the
industry as well as other parts of the economy and society. The material shows
possible trends and outlines proposals of measures that could not only boost the
economy and industrial base in the Czech Republic, but could help prepare the
entire society to absorb this technological change. This is the only way to
ensure long-term economic attractiveness and competitiveness of the Czech
Experts of the National Training Fund (NTF) were guarantors of the chapter
relating to the impact of Industry 4.0 on the labour market and participated
also in the preparation of the chapter on education. The chapter discusses
possible impacts expected on the labour market in connection with industry
4.0 in the nature of work, career structures, qualification requirements and
the reallocation of labour. Making use of Industry 4.0 as an opportunity for
positive development on the labour market will require adopting rapid and
effective measures to ensure labour market flexibility, training of workers
released from fading professions to new professions or professions whose
performance is linked with new knowledge and skills, as well as measures that
stimulate creating new jobs and the necessary changes in social policy.
The document will be published in March 2016.