International cooperation
Digital Individual Learning Accounts (DILA) in the Visegrad countries
Active projectThe project is aimed at
supporting Member States in developing an enabling framework
for Individual Learning
Accounts and, in effect, contributes to increasing the number of adult learners.
The main objective of the project is to model and test a data model that would
allow using AI technologies for personalised training recommendations and
efficient spending through a delivery mode such as Individual Learning Accounts
The project is financed by the European Union.
Active projectThe ReferNet network was set up by the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training – Cedefop.
Its objective is to support the development of VET and evidence based policy making. It provides advice, research, analysis, information, and stimulates European cooperation and common learning. Its networks including ReferNet allow the centre to keep abreast of recent developments and to cooperate and share information.
Opening Doors: Networked PhD Education
Completed projectOPENING DOORS is an EU (Horizon 2020 programme) funded project that addresses a gap that often exists in PhD education globally – the opportunity to work collaboratively with other early career researchers from different disciplines and countries on “real-world”, applied problems. Through extensive stakeholder engagement with PhD employers and graduates working in open science and open innovation networks across Europe, and PhD educators and employers based in academia, the Opening Doors team have come to an understanding of the kinds of competencies and personal attributes that are valued in these settings. Based on this understanding, we have iteratively co-designed an open, online educational course in Open Science and Open Innovation with our network of stakeholders, entitled: “Opening Your Research To Collaborative Futures”.
Completed projectStrengthening Key Competencies of Low-Skilled People in VET to Cover Future Replacement Positions (REPLAY-VET)
REPLAY-VET is an ERASMUS+ strategic partnership which aims to provide the disadvantaged and low- skilled people with targeted opportunities to acquire the VET skills to cover the job vacancies in Europe resulting from replacement demand.
Project “Professional voluntary work with children and families at risk in the Czech Republic”
Completed projectThe project ”Street Work for Children and Youth”
Completed projectSIMOVET - Smart information models to adequately adapt vocational training to the labour market needs
Completed projectVET-EDS: Effective Forecasting as a mechanism for aligning VET and Economic Development Strategies
Completed projectREAL TIME LMI
Completed projectReal time LMI is project organized by Cedefop in cooperation with Interuniversity Research Centre on Public Services (CRISP), University Milano Bicocca. National Training Fund (NTF) is in this project as a member of the Consortium.
Malopolska Observatory
Completed projectProject duration: May 1, 2014 – March 31, 2015
Completed projectProject duration: 2014
This project was aim to create an independent framework for innovative research in the V4 countries and also served as a critical analysis of their innovation policies. The research was based on an interdisciplinary approach in order to get perspective on measurement of innovations and on instruments of public policy of V4 countries. The narrower and broader cooperation between experts from different backgrounds was helped to reconsider innovation policy in the V4 countries. Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and the Czech Republic were part of this project.
Labour force monitoring and forecasting – Lithuania
Completed projectProject duration: October 30, 2013 – September 23, 2014
THE EU SKILLS PANORAMA – Achieving Regional and Local Impact (ARLI)
Completed projectProject duration: April 1, 2013 – March 31, 2014
The ARLI project seeked to utilise a system of mutual learning to gather good practices from regional and sub-regional experts across the partner countries and to use this to support both the EU Skills Panorama – online labour market information tool developed for the European Commission.
For the ARLI project, NVF work was based on its cooperation with several Czech regions where NVF develops regional information systems on labour market as a support tool for the regional government, PES and other users.
Good practice in the field of quality of services for drug users
Completed projectCertification process of services for drug users has been launched by
Resolution of the Czech
Government No. 300/2005 from June 1, 2005. This day is an important milestone
for drug
policy of the Czech Government. The certification process is an unique system of
evaluation of social services that has not analogy and it is field in which
Czech Republic can
hand over experience to other EU countries.
Transferable skills across economic sectors – Role and importance foremployment at European level
Completed projectProject duration: January 1, 2010 - February 28, 2011
The overall aim of the project was to identify transferable skills and their role and importance with regard to the employability, adaptability and occupational mobility of people on the labour market. The project leader was RPIC-VIP.
Completed projectProject duration: October 1, 2004 – March 31, 2007
TrainSME (Innovative vocational Training approaches in Small and Micro Enterprises) was aimed at the improvement of the vocational training system in small and micro enterprises. The project elaborated and adapted tools for the assessment of vocational training needs in small and specifically micro enterprises and models for the creation of training programs which are meeting the needs of employees and enterprises and support innovation processes. The TrainSME project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
Overseas Information Monitor Reports
Completed projectProject duration: 2007 – 2008
A total of five thematic analytical/descriptive reports were gradually developed as part of the project. They provide information about the system of vocational education and training (VET), the labour market and the related legislation in the Czech Republic. The contracting authority is the Japanese OVTA (Overseas Vocational Training Association).
YOUTH – Young in Occupations and Unemployment: Thinking of their better integration in the labour market
Completed projectProject duration: 2007 – 2008
The project aimed to develop a comprehensive overview of the current European approaches to integrating young people into the labour market, and to choose those practices that have the potential of improving the current and future situation in this area.
In addition to the NTF the partners included the Italian CESOS and the Hungarian Szent István University Gödöllö.
Strengthening of the capacity of the institutions from selected EU countries in the field of implementation of Regulations (EC) No. 883/2004 and 987/2009 and introduction of the electronic data exchange
Completed projectThe realisation of this project is based on, amongst other things, Regulation no. 883/2004 (EC) and Regulation 987/2009, which imposes the obligation of all EU member states to secure international electronic data exchange in the area of social security within the framework of the entire European network.
The basic goal of the project for the institutions in the Czech Republic is the use of all of the benefits arising from the international cooperation during the building of fully functioning points of access to the data of the insured individuals in the EU (so-called Access Points (AP)) which ensure the necessary interoperability with the other affected international bodies within the framework of the European architecture for the exchange of standardised electronic documents.
Project started in October 2010 and planned duration is 24 months.