Work in the digital era
Analyses of the impact of digital technologies on society, industry and the labour market.
National Observatory of Employment and TrainingProjects
Digital Individual Learning Accounts (DILA) in the Visegrad countries
Active projectThe project is aimed at
supporting Member States in developing an enabling framework
for Individual Learning
Accounts and, in effect, contributes to increasing the number of adult learners.
The main objective of the project is to model and test a data model that would
allow using AI technologies for personalised training recommendations and
efficient spending through a delivery mode such as Individual Learning Accounts
The project is financed by the European Union.
Managing migration with a special focus on Ukraine as a tool for reducing the workforce deficit and increasing the competitiveness of Czech industry
Completed projectThe main objective of the project is to uncover the potential of the Ukrainian labor force to reduce the expected shortage of labor force in selected sectors of mechanical engineering. In addition, the key professions and skills that should be covered by foreign labor force together with proposed forms and content of educational programs and accompanying support measures to accelerate the adaptation and integration of foreign labor in the relevant segment of the Czech labor market will be identified. An aim is to create a methodology for measuring the success and efficiency of migration and the integration of workers and to propose indicators for continuous monitoring of the impacts of individual technical professions' deficits on the performance of enterprises in the mechenical egineering. Besides, labour force demands of the manufacturing sector in relation to Industry 4.0 are assessed.
SKILLS-CLOSE: The relationships between skills, schooling and labor market outcomes: A longitudinal study
Completed projectComprehensive research project funded by Czech Science Foundation aimed on formation of skills and their relationship to labor market outcomes, as well as to evidence on skill creation and its impact in the Czech Republic. In this project, National Training Fund will primarily focus on the skills of the adult population and their role in the labor market. Is is responsible for the part “Effects of skills on earnings and other labor market outcomes of adults”.