National Training Fund

Welcome to the National Training Fund website where you can find the information on our activities and professional capacities.


Skill needs forecasting

Exploration of future demand for occupations and qualifications based on trends of Czech and global economy and their impact on the labour market ..

Work in the digital era

Analyses of the impact of digital technologies on society, industry and the labour market.

Development of lifelong learning

Monitoring and analysis of primary and further training, evaluation of competitiveness of the CR in terms of quality human resources, the application of innovative methods in lifelong learning targeted towards creating a „learning environment“ and applying the concept of LLL in everyday practice.
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Labour market

Labour market analysis, promotion of career consultancy, questionnaire surveys, development of the active employment policies, services aimed at modernizing and improving the quality of employment services

International cooperation

Long-term cooperation with foreign partners and international institutions in the area of human resources, participation in European networks (ReferNet, Skillsnet) 



D-ILA project: international team completed baseline study to develop digital tool to support individual learning accounts

The project team of the Erasmus+ project „D-ILA – Digital Individual Learning Accounts in the Visegrad Countries“ has published the report of the initial analytical and orientation phase of the project (see here).


NTF has joined the SUSMILE project focused on sustainable last mile logistics

National Training Fund has joined the SUSMILE project (Successful online learning for sustainable last mile logistics) which is conducted within ERASMUS+ programme.


NOET organized a study visit of Moldova experts

Its goal was to provide intensive training and exchange of the experience with Moldavian expert team in the field of policies addressing skills mismatch, especially skills mismatch anticipation and evaluation methodologies, data sources, institutional background in the Czech Republic and related activities of the National Observatory of Employment and Training (a unit of the National training Fund).


Conference „Industry 4.0 in practice“

Experts of National Training Fund took part in conference „Industry 4.0 in practice“ on 25. 2. 2016 which was organized by the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Business Development Agency CzechInvest in cooperation with VIDA! science center in Brno.

Experts NTF participated in the preparation of the National Initiative Industry 4.0

National Initiative Industry 4.0 was first introduced by the Minister of Industry and Trade Jan Mládek in autumn 2015. Publication is available here. The basic framework of the initiative was further elaborated into comprehensive document that will be accessible to the public in March 2016. Both documents were prepared by team led by Prof. Vladimír Mařík, director of the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics CTU. Experts of NTF were also members of the team.