NOET organized a study visit of Moldova experts
July 12, 2019
In June NOET organized a Study visit of Moldova experts from National Employment Agency, Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection, National Bureau of Statistics and Ministry of Education, Culture and Research.
Its goal was to provide intensive training and exchange of the experience with Moldavian expert team in the field of policies addressing skills mismatch, especially skills mismatch anticipation and evaluation methodologies, data sources, institutional background in the Czech Republic and related activities of the National Observatory of Employment and Training (a unit of the National training Fund).
The NOET presented complex, useful and relevant information in the context of Moldavian current developments aimed at building capacities and for Moldavian LM Observatory. NOET arranged also presentation of the experts from the National Institute for Education and the Labour Office. Moldavian experts also visited the Labour Office General Directorate (including an excursion to the local contact point for LO clients) and the Industry 4.0 Testbed at the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics.
The event was evaluated as very successful by the feedback of Moldavian delegation provided at the last session.
The study visit was organized in the framework of Moldova Skills Data
Capacity Building Project financed by the World bank implemented by the
Government of Moldova.