Since May 1, 2014 till December 31, 2014
Contact person: Ing. Věra Czesaná CSc.

The publication shortly reviews the current discussion about innovation and looks at its definition and theoretical underpinnings from different angles. The main attention is focused on the analysis of rationale, goals, instruments and organisational framework of innovation policies in the Visegrad Countries.
However it could be seen some good examples of policy instruments which can be mutually inspiring – e.g. a programme supporting the public procurement in research and innovation for the needs of public administration bodies (the Czech Republic – programme Beta), various business-academia co-operation schemes (Hungary), the Top 500 Innovators (Poland), and E-procurement (Slovakia).
More information about project is available here. PDF version of project presentation is here.
Implementation Team:
National Observatory of Employment and TrainingOutputs
Innovation Policies in the Visegrad Countries
Aleksander Szpor, Attila Havas, Věra Czesaná, Ľubica Slušná and Miroslav Balog, Warsaw, 2014, ISBN: 978-83-63857-24-0