Transferable skills across economic sectors – Role and importance foremployment at European level
Since January 1, 2010 till February 28, 2011
Contact person: Ing. Věra Czesaná CSc.
The overall aim of the project was to identify transferable skills and their role and importance with regard to the employability, adaptability and occupational mobility of people on the labour market. The project leader was RPIC-VIP.
The National Observatory participated mainly at following working packages:
- Detailed analysis of transferable skills accross economic sectors
- European survey on transferable skills
- Elaboration of project reports and organization of expert workshops.
The project is is addressed especially to actors (workers, employers, sectors, regions, public sector, education institutions) that are hit or at risk to be hit by structural changes, by restructuring with a special focus on issues of skills transferability related to occupational mobility and adaptability.
The project analysed the role and importance of transferable skills with regard to the employability, adaptability and occupational mobility of people on the labour market. This analysis is based in the first instance on existing experience and available information to identify future skills. The analysis draw on existing work in the Member States but also in other countries of the OECD, particularly the USA and Canada, and on studies conducted by other international organisations (ILO, OECD, etc.).
- Utilization of Cedefop Forecast: PROJECT TRANSFERABILITY OF SKILLS (Jiří Braňka, workshop: Building on the skills forecast: comparing methods and applications, Cedefop, 17th –18th February 2011)
Transferability of Skills across Economic Sectors: Role and
Importance for Employment at European Level (2011, ISBN
Study is available on websites of European Commission.