Employers needs survey – graduates of technical and natural sciences fiedsoftertiary education

Contact person: Ing. Věra Czesaná CSc.

As technological advancement is speeding up and most developed economies are heading towards manufacturing and services at a higher level of technology-intensity, the demands placed on human resources are growing. In addition to a perfect mastery of high-tech technologies, individuals must be able and wiling to keep pace with the development and to learn new processes that are involved. There are also increasing requirements for inter-disciplinary knowledge, particularly foreign languages and management skills. The most robust demands in this respect are placed on graduates and young people with qualifications in science and technology (S&T).

The aim of this study was to analyze the preparation of HR in this field at the level of tertiary education in the Czech Republic and in the EU along with the analysis of transition of this graduates into the labour market and their competency to fill a particular job.